Setting the Example in Safety Since 1906
H. B. Frazer Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all of our employees, and to protect our customers and the general public from hazards that may be created during the course of our normal work activities.
This commitment starts with our President and extends through our management and supervisory personnel to every field employee. Injuries and incidents affect all of us adversely both personally and in overall Company performance and reputation.
Our Safety Program is a means to help all of our employees understand our rules, policies and expectations regarding safety. Our program, OSHA regulations and specific client safety regulations will be enforced by all of our supervisory personnel. It is our expectation that each and every employee will abide by and follow all of the rules and regulations set forth.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. We all must do our part to make this program effective. As you proceed with your daily activities, please be aware of your surroundings, use common sense, ask questions, take time to understand the possible hazards, use the necessary PPE and work safely.